Plan 9 from Bounty Films on Vimeo.
In 1959, a film was released that would live in the minds and hearts of science fiction and horror fans for years to come. That film was Edward D. Wood, Jr.’s magnum opus, “Plan 9 From Outer Space”, a story about aliens re-animating the dead in order to kill Earth’s population. Genre audiences could not resist the exuberance and love for the art of filmmaking that showed in Wood’s work, and the movie has become a cherished cult classic. Now the long awaited remake of the classic film is here! In this edge-of-your-set, visually stunning, re-imagination of the original story, “Plan 9” is a spectacular Sci-Fi/Horror adventure with jaw-dropping effects and zombies galore!
“A solid and entertaining movie with enough strong direction and realization of Wood’s ideas to act as a serviceable zombie movie.” – Cinema Crazed
MA15+ Strong violence and nudity
Duration: 103
Language: English