The story tells, from an accentuated hyper-realistic aesthetic, the life of Martin, a man in his forties who is desperately lonely and seeks, through sex, some company, to spend that time of which nothing seems to be expected. Under this constant desolation, he finds in cocaine, alcohol and in some other orgy a state of momentary pleasure every night.
“… Not suitable for sacrosanct souls” – Con les Ojos Abietos
“… one of the best endings that the Argentine cinema offered in a long time.” – EscribiendoCine
“A dark, raw and honest film that has the capacity to annoy the viewer physically, mentally and morally.” – Otroscines
Standard Definition
Rating: R 18+ Strong Real Sex, Drug Misuse
Running Time: 135
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Official Selection
Argentinean Film Critics Association Awards (2017)
Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema (2016)”
Festival Nominations
Best First Film – Argentinean Film Critics Association Awards (2017)
Best Film – Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema (2016)